Design a website with unique functionality for finding and booking a commercial airline flight.
Key Insight:
Users searching for flights wanted a flexible "apples to apples" comparison of options, so I prototyped a site that focused on this key feature.
Tools & Methods: Sketch, Axure, Directed Storytelling, Usability Testing, Personas, Wireframing, Prototyping
research & site concept
I conducted three in-person directed storytelling sessions to develop a goal statement for my intended user. My interviewees all desired a better "apples to apples" comparison of flights and airlines. Therefore, I designed a site that presented detailed side-by-side information on selected options. I designed wireframes in Sketch, then created a prototype in Axure for usability testing.
Original site flow wireframes created in Sketch
results of usability testing
Four users tested the Axure prototype site. The primary feature was a mandatory comparison page that users encountered after making initial selections and before booking their flight. Although some people appreciated this feature, overall they found the process confusing and unnecessary.
The comparison feature was (in one user's words) "one step too many." I resolved this issue by making all relevant data available from a single page and implementing the detailed comparisons as an optional step. Observing how different users approached the site also aided in the creation of personas that revealed opportunities for further refinement.
learnings & final implementation
Attempting to force clever functionality in a "one size fits all" solution had, in effect, got into the user's way. Combining the search and comparison features into a single tool removed this arbitrary limit. The redesigned site is significantly closer to the existing mental model of how this type of site should work, while retaining unique aspects of the new concept.
Users are now able to move through the process at their own pace and book a flight as soon as they make a decision. Core functionality is streamlined, with advanced tools provided based on individual needs and preferences.
Site flow before (top) and after Usability Testing